men behind sport. blog

This blog discusses the latest news applied research, insights, case studies, and interventions aimed at supporting senior male performance support staff.
Why Performance Staff Self-Esteem is Locked To Career Progression: Whether You Like It or Not! men in sport self-esteem Oct 13, 2022

You’re either considered a highly successful member of performance staff, or you’re striving toward the roles that you have defined as highly successful.

The constant pursuit of excellence can have its positive side, which we see in most individuals who have professional sports...

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5 Steps to Free Yourself From Your Performance Sport Identity identity men in sport self-concept Oct 06, 2022

Who are you? What makes you “you?”

You might answer with “I’m a coach” or, “I’m a performance director,” or maybe, “I’m a parent,” or “I’m a good friend.

Maybe you answer with, “I am excellent at my job...

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Why Performance Support Staff Self-Sabotage Their Life: 3 Practices to Stop Self-Sabotaging men in sport Sep 28, 2022

Self-sabotage is something I see and hear about within performance staff a great deal. It also affected my life significantly before I learned how to see it.

So in this week's article, you'll learn how this shows up in performance support staff and what you can do about it.

This article will...

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Are You the Coach Who Pretends They "Keep Their Sh*t Together?" men in sport Sep 23, 2022

One of the common discussions I've had with the coaches within The Lost to Liberated Blueprint has been around stepping into vulnerability versus keeping your sh*t together.

There is a great fear of being vulnerable.


Because many of us are defending a story about ourselves "as the...

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The Trap of Career Progress: Getting to What Truly Matters men in sport Sep 15, 2022

Without question, it takes a huge amount of vision, dedication, and skill to have gained the experience you have in high-performance sport.

Yet what I'm hearing about time and again is how this devotion to vision, dedication, and skill creates a huge blind spot.

It seems to me that we fall into...

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4 Self-Awareness Types in Performance Staff men in sport Sep 07, 2022

This is a definition of self-awareness from a man I spoke with recently who is both an academic & performance support in top tier sport:

To know more about me and the people around me.”

He came to this definition because his partner reflected said to him:


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Why Performance Sport Creates Culture of "Not Good Enough" men in sport Aug 30, 2022

It’s been 9 months since I began the research into the men behind sport.

Currently, I’ve interviewed 94 men across different disciplines (S&C, physio, nutrition, technical sport coaches, heads of service, performance directors), countries (Finland, France, Malaysia, Spain,...

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How To Calm Racing Thoughts: A 4 Step Guide men in sport Jun 23, 2022

Nearly 80 men interviewed now across all disciplines, sports and roles. Everyone an individual with unique traits and gifts. Yet one of the most commonly spoken about cause of anxiety is racing thoughts.

When we really take a moment and sharpen our awareness on our inner experience, we realise...

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How To Stop Sport Taking Your Soul: A 3 Step Guide men in sport May 25, 2022

Let’s get right down to the heart of the matter.

I’m writing this based on a couple of assumptions that I have about you.

Three, to be precise.

Assumption 1

The first assumption is that you are a senior level performance practitioner of some kind; a performance coach, a...

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A Framework: Rethink Your Thinking men in sport May 09, 2022

So far these articles have focussed on highlighting the common problems senior performance staff are facing with regards to high performance sport and the inner conflict deep within themselves.

Sharing these common problems has been received by many as a relief to hear that others within the...

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What Do You Want? men in sport May 05, 2022

Many men I have spoken with have suffered at some point with getting lost in the demands of their career, which has resulted in them losing sight of what's truly important to them.

Certainly in my own life the reason I lost sight of what was important to me was because I got caught up in the...

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The Man Behind Sport men in sport Apr 09, 2022

Do you ever consider and question what blueprint you have within you that governs the type of man you show up as on a daily basis?

Or does your blueprint run in the background whilst quietly influencing your actions each day?

"As a man I feel like I've had to sort my own problems out and self...

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