men behind sport. blog

This blog discusses the latest news applied research, insights, case studies, and interventions aimed at supporting senior male performance support staff.
6 Powerful Steps to Make Values-Based Decisions As Performance Staff values values-based decisions Mar 30, 2023

Without question, it takes a huge amount of vision, dedication, and skill to have gained the experience you have in high-performance sport.

Yet this devotion to vision, dedication, and skill creates a huge blind spot.

We fall into the trap of unconsciously filling our blind spots by seeking...

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The Problems With The Labels of "World Class" Coach: How To Reassess Your "Success" identity self-awareness Mar 23, 2023

You'll know by now that I'm very open about how I struggled so hard to prove myself and my "success" when I was coaching in Olympic sport.

I did this because my definition of a great coach was so skewed towards results, the status of prestigious jobs and seniority.

I'd assigned such value and...

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There Is Life After Sport: 6 Questions To Start You Off creating a better life identity life after sport Mar 16, 2023

For a long while, I had thoughts of leaving my strength & conditioning career in high-performance sport.

I wanted to pursue a business with my wife that would give me control over my work & personal life for me and my family, allow us to travel whilst working, be my own boss, and provide...

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4 Decompression Strategies for Performance Staff boundaries decompression present Feb 16, 2023

One of the major struggles of my career, as well as many other performance support staff, is the inability to be present.

They're always thinking about what's next, whether that's career instability or progression, qualifications, the latest CPD, the stages of the season or Olympic cycle,...

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Organisations & Institutes vs Performance Staff (Part 2): Changing The System Itself culture change organisation & institutes Feb 09, 2023


The Story So Far

In part 1 of this series the focus was on how on an individual level, we need to actively engage in understanding what support we need as a man or woman, before developing technical skills for our role. 

Our past experiences lay down operating systems that influence...

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Organisations & Institutes vs Performance Staff (Part 1): Taking Personal Responsibility culture change responsibility Feb 02, 2023

The Problem

We are at a time of evolution within the high-performance sports industry we love.

The reason is that, more than ever before, we are hearing the real accounts of the cost of high-performance sport on the men and women supporting athletes at their own expense.

This is not new. Rather...

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Professional Football: A Case Study to Create Culture Change Through Inner Personal Development culture change football men in sport Jan 17, 2023

Professional football (soccer) is one of, if not the most, lucrative and widely played sports in the world. At a distance, it seems cutting-edge, with many coaches and performance staff wanting to “break in” to this elite of elite environments. 

My Own Story

My own career started...

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Finding MY WHY Behind COACHING THE COACHES men behind sport my why Dec 13, 2022

As performance staff, our success is so often solely defined by external results, such as win-lose, KPIs, and other objective markers of success.

But underneath these external measures are our own stories within us. And that story is governed from day one of our life, childhood, and our...

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Canā€™t Stop Thinking About Work? How to Detach And Be Present embodiment men behind sport present Dec 06, 2022

One of the major struggles of the coaches I work with is that they can't be present. They're always thinking about what's next, whether that's career progression, qualifications of CPD, the stages of season, or Olympic cycle they're in. This leads them to being stuck in their head when they get...

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Work:Life Balance: 5 tips for Coaches in Sport work:life integration Nov 29, 2022

The demands of high performance sport are making many men lose balance in their life. The cost of this is massive, from divorce, short-term relationships, absent parent, physical and emotional illness. From a coach I work with:

"My relationship broke down. I'm always away. I'm always down on...

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Setting HEALTHY BOUNDARIES in Performance Sport boundaries men behind sport Nov 22, 2022

Why is it so hard to set healthy boundaries?

The answer is unique to each of us.

One thing is for sure though, unshaped personal boundaries are a massive problem within performance support staff.

"I was working 6.7 days a week across a 12-month period, I wasn't seeing my kids or my wife and I...

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Coach BLIND SPOTS of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) cpd men behind sport Nov 16, 2022

I'm currently 120 interviews into speaking candidly with performance staff from around the world. This includes physios, SSCs, nutritionists, physiologists, performance directors, head of service and head coaches.

Many of them admit they solely focus their development through technical CPD. They...

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