men behind sport. blog

This blog discusses the latest news applied research, insights, case studies, and interventions aimed at supporting senior male performance support staff.
8 Self-Care Ideas to Practice Today best self care practices Dec 30, 2020

With all that’s going on right now that is affecting each and everyone of us, how are you taking care of yourself?

Do you have a plan and schedule that you follow?

Do you know what practices help you most?

Or are you just freewheeling not knowing what to do with yourself and at the mercy...

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How I Balance Love and Grief with the People Iā€™ve Lost in My Life Dec 23, 2020

This time of year for me is painful. I love Christmas, and it’s also a hard reminder for me of the people I’ve lost in my life - particular my parents.

I’ve come to learn to balance the love and grief and that’s what I want to share with you today. My story of how to...

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How To Improve Your Decision Making: Part 2 - Stop Being Fooled By Your Mind success practices Dec 16, 2020

How often do you catch yourself in a spiral of negative thoughts?

So how often are those thoughts going without you even being aware?

I don’t know about you, but my mind can switch rapidly from positive inspiring thoughts into uninspiring and negative ones.

Today is part 2, and so...

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How To Improve Your Decision Making: Part 1 - Your Body is Talking To You success practices Dec 09, 2020

When you make decisions in life, are you always filled with doubt before you make them?
Or are you clear most of the time with regards to what the right decision is for you?
Today I’m going to teach you a process to strengthen the quality of the decisions you make.
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How to Understand Change and What That Means for Leading Others Dec 02, 2020

In some area of your life, you are leading the way whether you're a parent, partner, coach, manager or yourself.

Leaders therefore are the ones that see opportunity for change before anyone else. We are the visionary, and we have the passion to help others see the new way.

Yet being a leader is...

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Self Care vs Selfishness: How To Get Clarity release your limitations Nov 25, 2020

Over the past couple of years, there’s been a real recognition that you can’t do anything well if you don’t take care of yourself first.

So, why do people still talk about self care and selfish as if they go hand in hand? Is self care selfish?

The idea might be tied to the...

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6 Mindset Shifts When Youā€™re Having A Bad Day calming your anxiety Nov 18, 2020

Whether you are a sports fan or not, you cannot deny the gravitas of Mike Tyson’s quote, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face!”

All of us can think of at least 5 instances in our life where this metaphor rang true in our personal or professional lives. 

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How To Stop Holding Yourself Back Nov 11, 2020

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How To Be Consistent: 3 Steps To Make Lasting Progress success practices Nov 04, 2020

What does it take to be successful in life?

Does it take an enormous amount of talent? Privilege? Or luck?

Certainly those elements play a role in success, no doubt about it. But if you look at truly successful people, or look at any success you’ve had in your life, can you really...

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How To Find Flow To Unlock Your Full Potential success practices Oct 21, 2020


What does it mean when people ask if you’re living your full potential?

Would you say you’re living yours right now?

What about in the past?

Certainly there have been times in your life that you’ve had success, stood out for your talents and gifts or have felt an ease...

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5 Lessons I've Learnt From Grief release your limitations Oct 21, 2020


We will all experience grief at some point in our lives.

Whether that’s due to losing a job, a relationship or the ultimate grief in losing someone you love.

Even this crazy year of 2020, we have experienced grief on a collective level. The lives we knew has been lost and replaced...

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How To Calm Anxiety - Try These 3 Powerful Strategies Oct 10, 2020

It’s not about if you’ll suffer anxiety, but more about when you’ll go through it on some level or another.

It could be in situations where you expect, such as before a job interview or on your wedding day or taking the step to work for yourself.

Or it could be on a chronic...

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