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Learn Why You Don't Say NO | Set BOUNDARIES Without EXPLAINING Yourself in 2021!

leadership and relationships Jan 06, 2021

How often are you stuck with a decision to make?

Do you bounce between 2 options driving yourself crazy?

Maybe your default is to leave decisions to the last minute which either leads you to missing opportunities or letting people down?

Both of which hurt you most. The difference between the truly exceptional and the merely good is that the great say no to almost everything.

If the best say no, why don’t the rest of us?

The reason we don’t say no is that we are terrified it’s going to wreck things. And there are 3 things we typically do instead of offering positive and timely no’s.

I’m going to discuss these in detail and then offer you a strategy to teach you how to set your boundaries for a happy 2021.

Download Workbook now!

Discover where you currently are in the 7-step process of change, the problems that keep you trapped in frustration, the path of moving from "I can't" to "I am", and the powerful guided reflection to support you in taking the next steps in your life.