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Why Extraordinary is Really Very Ordinary - Lessons You Can Use in Life From an Olympic Coach

personal mastery Jan 27, 2021

My mission is to make you aware that extraordinary performance is really just a very ordinary set of lessons you can use to live your fullest life. I know this because I worked as an Olympic coach for 16 years. Each and every one of us is uniquely extraordinary already.

The hardest part is remaining consistent and being comfortable with the discomfort of learning and changing. Being ordinary ruthlessly well is the extraordinary part.

Since moving away from Olympic sport, the areas of work I get asked to be part of fascinate me. I was recently interviewed by Sean and Matt at The Two Sales Guys, and I really enjoyed the great conversations we had.

The Two Sales Guys:

We dive deep into topics such as personal mastery, flow, peak states, embodiment, end of life, stress, resiliency and what performance really means to me now - HINT it's not about medals!

Their mission on The Two Sales Guys is to talk about how to cope with the pressures of being in sales and what a winning sales mindset really looks like. They explore how stress can drive bad selling behaviours and discuss ways to manage your wellbeing first.

What’s commonly talked about are the tactics and methodologies for sales professionals - what is less commonly talked about is the stress and anxiety that comes with being a seller. Each day, sales reps are asked to take rejection after rejection, operate in a world of uncertainty and high-pressure, and either fail to hit their number, or get a higher quota the next year.

On Two Sales Guys, they talk about how to cope with these pressures and what a winning sales mindset really looks like. They talk to professionals in the industry who share the same experiences, and what organisations can do to create a healthy, winning sales culture.

It was a real pleasure to be interviewed by Matt and Sean - I hope you enjoy our discussions.

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