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How to Simplify Your Path to Personal Mastery

May 27, 2021

Personal Mastery is the process of living a life well lived, shedding our limiting beliefs and showing up in our life.

The path is really about your inner work and outer action in a state of constant learning about yourself and the reality in which you exist.

We’ve been looking deeper at what this means by understanding the multidimensional layers of personal mastery from the physical, emotional, spiritual, energetic and mindset levels.

We’ve covered some great experts in those fields and spent time learning some specific tools and techniques.

Today I want help you really apply these tools in a meaningful way. And to help you answer the question “ how do I use them in real life.”

So in todays video you’re going to learn:

  1. How to simplify your process (Black Box Thinking)
  2. Mapping out reality and your lived experience
  3. 3 Practical ways to use your mastery toolbox

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Discover where you currently are in the 7-step process of change, the problems that keep you trapped in frustration, the path of moving from "I can't" to "I am", and the powerful guided reflection to support you in taking the next steps in your life.