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Finding Your Flow State of Mind [The 4 Stage Blueprint]

Aug 19, 2021

At one point or another, you’ve been in a ‘flow state’ (or ‘in the zone’, as some people call it.)

There are few things like the rush of getting into the zone, and once you’re in, you feel your best and you perform your best.

The problem is, getting into flow can be hard to conjure when you need it.

Although you can’t flip a button to toggle into flow state, you can take control of your environment to improve the chances of it happening.

Specifically there is a 4 stage blueprint you can follow to set up the conditions within your life to access flow more consistently.

In this video you’re going to learn:

  1. What is flow
  2. Why harnessing flow states is more crucial than ever.
  3. The 4 stage blueprint of flow to help you access flow in your life more consistently

There is a PDF workbook that supports this video which you can download HERE.

Download Workbook now!

Discover where you currently are in the 7-step process of change, the problems that keep you trapped in frustration, the path of moving from "I can't" to "I am", and the powerful guided reflection to support you in taking the next steps in your life.